Day Two of blogging: and nothing happened. Thank you, thank you. No earthquake that swallowed up my family, no angry mob of neighbors carrying torches to kick my door down. No nasty comments of what a stupid idiot I am and what makes me think I'm an empress when I sound like a hag and who names their kids names like that anyway. Whew.
For about a year now, I've wanted to start a blog. But fear of criticism, rude comments, too much of my business out there, has held me back. Becoming semi public, my words up for grabs and open to public viewing? Why would this be enough to control my actions? I'd begin, I'd go to blogger.com, only to X out again, and not begin anything. All the negative, discouraging self talk of, "you don't know enough, you're not one of those hi-tech mamas...you can't. You'd look stupid, and everyone could see how little you know." Those thoughts right there? are the thoughts I let determine my actions.
I've grown tired of FEAR determining if I do things or not. When you get older, you get introspective like that.
But, nothing happened since yesterday. And that is A-OK. I knocked one thing off the bucket list, and so I say, Carpe Diem!