Wednesday, August 25, 2010

History's Longest Post, But I Promise You A Point

On that winter day years ago, when it was so cold out we didn't leave the house for a second, I am so glad I said yes when you asked me if you could ride the vacuum cleaner and pretend it was your motorcycle, instead of saying no, it'll burn the motor out. You haven't asked to do that for years.


When you came to my side that morning of busy laundry folding, and told me that you wanted to be the giant of your own city and asked me if I could do that for you, I am so glad I put down the clothes and made you a city of your very own. Though you've forgotten about your train tracks since then, I haven't forgotten your smile from that day.

When you just turned three years old, and told me you could read and could you show me? I am so glad I didn't say no, Auggie, you know you don't know how to read yet, but instead sat down cross legged in front of you, looking right at you while I listened to every word you read to me.

Even though snow-blowing the driveway is faster, I am so glad I tell you that I don't like the way the snow-blower smells, either, and that I agree, it's much nicer to shovel with you instead. Thank you for your idea to clear the driveway together -- you do do it just as fast. Your little red shovel is almost too small for you now, but I keep it leaning against the garage wall, just in case you ask again.

I hope I never forget how your face lights up when I call your name and tell you that no one scrubs potatoes better than you do, and can you please do the whole bag for us for dinner? You tell me that no one scrubs potatoes the way that you can, and that's the reason why I only call you when that job needs to get done.

Remember when you told me you wanted to have a lemonade stand? In the winter? I'm so glad we figured out a way to have that happen. You made $3.00 that day. The cardboard lemonade stand hasn't been moved from the spot in the basement where we packed it away two years ago.

I thank God that He made me just not care about mud and shoes and wet days, so that when winter turns to a hopeful mushy spring, and you begin to ask if we can go to the classes at our Nature Center, we do. This spring, you surprised me and turned shy and no longer were the little boy pressing his way to the front of the group, the place where you used to always want to be. We've been staying toward the back now, instead; you told me you like it better there.

I laugh when I think of that day we went to the pumpkin farm last fall and you chose a perfectly round but LARGE pumpkin to bring home, and I told you we couldn't, I'd have to carry it for you it was so big. You answered that you knew you could carry it alone. I'm so glad I let you at least try, even though I was sure it was too heavy for you. You know what? You did carry it alone. I think of that lesson often, right before I almost tell you that I don't think you can do something.

Remember that park behind our house, and how every day we'd walk to it? You'd climb up by yourself on this great big boulder and tell me you were climbing to the top of the mountain, Look mama! I'm so glad that when I looked at you, I never told you that  it was only a boulder. It was a mountain... you made it a mountain.

I am so glad that when your dad tells you that he doesn't think you can empty the pool with your splashing alone, that each year you try to show him you can. I don't know what I'll do when the day comes and you turn to him and say no one can empty a pool just by splashing.

I hope that whenever we ride on a sky tram together, just like in this picture, that as soon as we're up in the air and alone, you still quickly grab my hand and turn to me and whisper too loud the way that little boys do, Mom, when we're up here, I can tell you things I don't want brothers to know.  Please, will you always do that? Even when I'm a crooked old lady?

Do you remember the day we painted on the kitchen table with your brothers, and you asked me why I didn't care if some paint spilled? And I told you I didn't know, I just didn't, and you told me it must be because I don't see stuff when we're having fun. I think you're right.

On that day that you watched the movie KungFu Panda two times in a row, and then turned to all of us and announced that you were ready to give kung fu karate lessons for 25 cents each, I'm so glad we had a bowlful of quarters on the kitchen counter. We had lessons up until dinner time.

One day at lunch last summer, you decided that you didn't think you needed to get a cup to drink your juice with your meal, you would just use the hollowed out shell of the watermelon we were having. All I could think to say was, sounds good to me.

When you woke up one morning last winter, you asked me why couldn't we just do home school in the big bed all day? I couldn't think of a reason not to. You ran and got your Transformers pillow, and it was one of the best days I've ever had.

"I think birthdays should start right at the very beginning of a day, just like your life starts right at the very beginning of you,"  you told me. And so, just like that, sunrise birthday parties on your birthday, began.

You've made me so smart, my beautiful little boy, and I've learned so much from you. But out of all that you've taught me, the one lesson that makes my throat so tight that I can hardly swallow, the truest thing I've learned from you, is that only for a golden moment, are the days of waking up to pirates sleeping in my bed, mine.

* * *


  1. They remember that you indulged them in their funny little choices too, I'll bet. You're such a great mom!

  2. I knew the end was going to make me cry. But laugh too b/c pirates in your bed is pretty funny.

  3. Hmph. I've seen longer posts.

    It's so important to say yes.
    And 'I don't know. What do you think will happen? Try it and see!'
    And "I love you."
    And "you're amazing."
    And "I'm so glad I'm your mom."

    Great pictures, too.


  4. That was one of the most beautiful longest posts I've ever read. Thank you!

  5. So sweet. He will treasure this when he's older.

  6. Oh, it was worth it! I'm teary for the second time today, and that's not my style. I think if I could give one piece of advice to new mommies, it would be exactly what you just told them. Say yes, take a moment, look them in the eye, believe in them, trust them, adore them, let them get dirty, and you won't regret it.

    The bathroom will always be dirty and the hamper will always be full....but they will only live with us for a short time. Beautiful post, Empress....

  7. Acckk what is it with all these make me all weepy eyed posts?? Ya'll are trying to make me crack I know ya are.. This was beautiful..

  8. Okay, I almost started crying! That's the sweetest post I've read in quite a long time. I just want to hug him! And it reminds me that part of being a mom is leaving the dirty dishes and laundry where they are and really enjoying my kids. Which is why I'm taking Tater outside right now for a water gun fight :)

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. You inspire me to be a better mother. Thank you for this love letter to your baby.

  10. So sweet and a good reminder to enjoy the moment!

  11. This is the most poignant post. I am so glad you wrote it. My little one is 9 (and a 1/2 she will tell me) and she had her first real haircut this week. Cut enough off for the locks of love. But her new look is so much more sophisticated and totally her. I forgot the camera, but I lived it and that is enough for me. Your little one is so delightful and I thank you for reminding me that there is not time like the present, that there is so much to discover together and that it is the little things that matter.

    Enjoy the day!

  12. Beautiful post, Empress! I'm teary eyed over here. You really spoke to my heart and you should be so proud of those wonderful mothering moments.

  13. thanks a lot now I am crying -thank you for this post it was stunning!

  14. It could have been even longer and I would have kept reading...and reading..and remembering...!..what a warm and fuzzy feeling youve given me...and a host of little tidbits to remind myself why you are a special lady, mother..!

  15. This is the sweetest post I've read in quite a while :)

  16. Never, ever doubt that you are a perfect mother. Perfect, indeed.

  17. That was so lovely...made me yearn for those days when my son was all sweet and cuddly...lovely.

  18. This? This is the most beautiful thing. And you are the most beautiful mom.

  19. This is beautiful, and eloquent, and so heartfelt. You brought tears to my eyes and made me want to go hug my sweet children (teens!) and hope that I can be half as good a mother as you obviously are.

  20. That was so nice to read. Thank you for the reminders.

  21. Beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing, everyday is a treasure and I now have tears and when I look at my 22 month old I can't wait to see what kind of young man he'll be.
    Cheers as we clink, clink with lemonade :)

  22. smiles. adorable pics....pirates in the bed...smiles. kids are the best arent when am i getting another 'e' post?

  23. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! A lovely tribute to your giant pirate.

  24. You make me want to be a mommy. :)

  25. I had pirates at the table -- usually superheroes in my bed. And shower. I'm glad I said yes to six-a-day costume changes, because those days are over. But embarrassing pictures are for life. :)

  26. What an awesome post. You are the best mom. It makes me a little regretful that I say no too many times. Food for thought as I move forward. Thank you.

  27. "Only for a golden moment." Oh, how true.

    You made me smile and laugh...and then it was hard to swallow.

    Lovely thoughts, Empress.

  28. I got tears reading this post. You are such a great mom, and I know he realizes it.

  29. How can this make me feel like crying when I don't even know him or you?

    It must be that I have a similar list, but I don't know if I possess the emotional strength to write it out right now.

  30. i cried. i don't know what the heck's wrong with me. (no, i'm not pregnant).

    my favorite part-- him telling dad that no one can empty a pool. not that it's my 'favorite' per se, but i think about that sometimes. the day that G says something imaginitive and playful and people start to ruin it for her by telling her the truth. how she'll start seeing things differently and i'll miss the way she used to be.

  31. I am all teared up! This is beautiful. He is so lucky you encourage him to explore, grow, and be himself. Thanks for stopping by.

  32. Love this post! I have to remind myself sometimes- to say YES to things when the only reason I want to say NO is b/c it's something that would annoy or inconvenience me, not b/c it's something that my boys really shouldn't be doing.

  33. i love this post. i really need to remember to "not see things when they're having fun". sometimes i worry too much about paint on the table....or mud on the clothes.... thanks for the reminder that i need to just indulge my children in the simple things! :)

  34. some really priceless moments captured the lemonade stand and sleepy angel :)

  35. So beautiful. Every thing I ever want to be in a mother is in this post. And you. Thank you for sharing. And for being such an inspiration. xoox

  36. Oh, that picture of with the lemonade stand... made my heart stop. Beautiful.

  37. If my mother had said all the things to me that you said to your son I might have turned out to be a normal human being.

    With a job.

    Oh well.

    Terrific post.

  38. Oh Mama! My tears are falling on my laptop! I've been waiting to read this until the kids went to bed because I knew it was going to be good. What wonderful memories you have made together. Honestly, makes me think twice before saying "no" or "wait a minute"...ugh...I'm crying now. Beautiful post! Beautiful Mama and her baby boy!

  39. I'm all verklempt over here! Thank you for this. What a sweet and beautiful letter to your boy. Truly a reminder that we need to cherish each moment and each other. *warm and fuzzy thoughts*

  40. AWWWWW!!! I love the pirate in the bed. Lately, all I've had in my bed is a Smee + pee. His, not mine. Dang him for sleeping so hard!! 2 times this week! Pirates are much easier on the laundry.

  41. I am so glad I chose this very day to visit your blog for the first time. I am so impressed!
    No doubt you are one amazing mom -- and talented at telling stories.
    You inspired me to say YES to all of my son's ideas, when he starts talking that is...

  42. You have got to be the best mom ever for I consider the things you do with and for them to be the most important things. These things will become their memories.

  43. I love this post. I'm inspired to do a bit better and really cherish the time we have. Because I love my little pirate. xx

  44. Nice tribute to your prince. Sometimes we do need to pause and reflect on the blessing, rather than the messy room, tantrums, talking back...

  45. This post is beautiful and has made me feel sad ... I miss being home with my kids and when I didn't have to rush all the time, but at the same time, found myself desperately trying to keep an unhappy husband smiling, which I failed at anyway, but boy my house was clean ... this has inspired me. Thank you for sharing this post ... it's absolutely amazing. Blessings to you

  46. They grow up too fast, don't they? Princess Ninja still continues to sneak into my bed at night. I usually wake up because I get slapped or karate kicked in the rib. I know one day, I'll wake up in bed and she won't be there. Until that day, I can do without sleep.

  47. I know this is in like 92% of the previous comments, but this made me weepy. In real life, sitting here with my laptop at 2am, I really, truly, honestly, don't doubt that what I'm saying is the truth for one second, cried.

    You HAVE TO print this and put it somewhere for him to find when he gets older. Seriously.

    You have named your blog well- your children live in a real life fairy tale, with magic and wonderment and beauty, and they are immeasurably lucky to have you as a mommy!

  48. You've captured it perfectly. The beauty brings a lump to my throat.

  49. I love this. One of the key pieces of parenting is enjoying your kids and not being a poop. Clearly, you are not a poop! Your kids are lucky to have you as a mom.

  50. what a truly beautiful tribute to that lil pirate. have i mentioned i love his hair? it's fabulous.

  51. Hi! I know now why you said I remind you about you ... ;-) so very nice to meet you, thank you for your lovely comment. You are a GREAT mom and I did learn one thing from you today. My heart sings thank you!!!
    Happy day! :-)

  52. This was absolutely delightful! And I must say, your kids are very lucky to have such a "game" Mama--looks like a lot of good fun goes on in your house.

  53. k those kiddos are so stinking cute!!!

  54. Awww, that is too sweet, I love it and sign me up for some lemon aid.

  55. That was an awesome post. You really are a great mom :o)

  56. I almost lost it when I got to "Mom, when we're alone, I can tell you things I don't want brothers to know." This really shows the special bond you guys have.

  57. This has to be the sweetest thing i've read in a long time. The pictures are just the icing on the cake.

  58. Ok, let me wipe the tears from my eyes. That was absolutely beautiful & you are the most awesome Mom ever!!

  59. ummm... I think you forgot to put in the "kleenex recommended" disclaimer.

    thanks for the sweet reminders!!!

  60. This was amazing. What a great thing for him to see later.

  61. Sigh. Not only do I want you to be MY mommy, I want you to be my kids' mommy, because you do it so much better than I do.

  62. Thank you for the Smile. Extra Large. With tear drops on top : )

  63. i love the he wants to tell you things that you won't tell anyone else. that's too sweet!

  64. Oh Alexandra, my eyes were filled with tears from photo 1, and it absolutely did not feel long at all. I am amazed at how you remembered all those "little" (and I mean that in big quotation marks) incidents and you had all the is just beautiful. What an important reminder for all of us. You are an incredible mom. I have not been that kind of mom lately, being short with my son. This is an important wake up call for me. I can't wait to just let things be when he comes home later today...and appreciate that he won't be 6 forever.

    The last photo is just darling. Sniff.

  65. Absolutely beautiful. Now, I'm all boys 24 and almost 21. The little pirates of yesteryear are gone for me...I can only hope someday they will have their own little pirates.

  66. Absolutely stunning. Kinda makes me wish I'd chosen to have kids.

  67. Post such as this one make me so glad I subscribe to your blog via e-mail. I loved opening this today and reading it in my inbox, I couldn't help but jump over and say what a wonderful gift of mothering, writing, and sharing you have. May he continue to surprise you in the best of ways.

  68. So sweet, I'm sure he'll remember and treasure those times too, :)

  69. What a special post. I hope your boys read that when they are older. I think it will really mean a lot to them to see how much their childhood meant to you.

  70. I really enjoyed this post, not only because you so eloquently expressed the unforgettable highlights of your son's childhood, but also because you remind me of the importance of being in the moment, encouraging creativity and inspiring confidence in our children by saying "yes" to their own desires to think, imagine, and dream.


  71. Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog (Mommyhood: Next Right, I was already following you!

  72. Ok, you have so made me cry today. What a beautiful post. Thanks for helping to remind us all about what's important and all too fleeting.. Sigh.

  73. You're the kind of mother I so want to be.

    This one will stay with me for a while. My indulged children thank you :-)

  74. This is so beautiful. You should do one for each of the kids.

  75. Ca-ute. Adorable. :)

  76. Oh, I love this, Alexandra. I know I've said this before, and I'm positive I'll say it again, but your boys are so lucky to have you. You are a wonderful mother!

  77. This is amazing. I love posts that make me want to try harder to be a better mom. THANK YOU!!! :)

  78. You're my mother mentor, did you know that? Love this post. I'm going to post a link for my Facebook Friends tomorrow, and I'm going to try to say "yes" to my kids as often as I can.

  79. Oh, thank you.

    So many thank yous for this.

  80. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Absolutely. I'm speechless. What a wonderful post and a wonderful reminder.

  81. Easily the most moving yet plainly-spoken love story a parent wrote for their child that I have ever read. Thank you.

  82. I read this whole thing last night. I was drunk and now have forgotten what my comment was going to be.

  83. oh. my. gosh. this is one of the most beautiful things i've read in a long time. thanks for takin' me back.

  84. This is such an adorable post - full of memories to treasure. Lovely.

  85. My absolute favourite post Empress. I'm a mushy messy blogger. I gleaned over every picture and swallowed every word. You made me happy this morning. I am already looking at my day differently. Thank you.

  86. The awesomeness of your mothering shows through even more in this post. This is a wonderful message to all moms.

  87. I. Love. This. Thanks for the reminder of how sweet childhood truly is.

  88. Awww. So sweet. Love his curls.

    They grow up so damn fast. I have to remind myself sometimes to put down the laundry and LIVE it with them, before they're grown up...

  89. Oh .... I just LOVED this. Loved it. Such a beautiful, fun, and moving post. What a loving mom and special boy! You exemplify what it means to be a caring and loving mom!

  90. That was beautiful...and one you'll be glad you wrote 30 years from now.

  91. Go immediately to Blurb and make this post into a book to give your son. You will both treasure it. It reminded me of those childrens books with the little porcupine "That's How Much I Love You."
    You know the ones I'm talking about?

    Just beautiful. It could be that I'm PMSing, but this brought a lump to my throat too.

  92. Oh, that we all have these moments...just wonderful!

  93. i was aching to be a parent during this. quite an accomplishment:)

  94. Absolutely sweetest post I've ever read! So so lovely!!! Thanks for sharing that with us!

  95. This post was selected as one of my great posts of the week. Here is the link:

  96. I LOVE this whole post and your love and admiration for your son is as bright as the sun. Just beautiful and wise. Maybe make flyers of it to silently hand him when he hits the teenage years. Just pick one off the pile and hold it up at any display of surliness or attitude or attempt to guilt-trip you into something. Because this is proof of your love and attention -- just read the post, kiddo -- she looooves you. On unrelated note: thank you so much for my groovy rectangle of love in the top right corner. And should I get the thesaurus out? Because I really crammed the word "love" into this comment a few dozen times, didn't I?



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