Friday, September 24, 2010

Thank You Stark Raving Mad Mommy

Thank you to StarkRavingMadMommy for this HI-larious video.

Who can't use a laugh about this mommy gig?

Warning: there is a swear. That is all. Enjoy!


  1. BWhahahaha thankfully I have been blessed with women friends who are just like me.. yep we spank but only as a last resort.. we use goldfish crackers and chicken nuggets and we all believe in the 10 second rule for something that dropped on teh floor lol

  2. The gesture at the end was the best part of the whole damn thing!

  3. But, really, how else DO you breastfeed all of them?

  4. That was Hilarious!! I think the blond is a friend of mine. LOL!

  5. I think we all know too many moms like the blonde!

  6. I giggled. :) I can't ever make those movies work for me. Maybe I need to find an old post that made me laugh?

    Project time! I feel an hour long foray into the internet coming on...

  7. that is hilarious. I needed that.

  8. I'd love to watch more but it's 2:56 and time for me to ignore my children and play bejeweled.

  9. Actually I'm a brunette...and you forgot to say that I stay at home and plan on homeschooling/having private tutors who only use wooden toys...
    but seriously great reminder of who we should be "fighting" (hint: it's not each other)

  10. Thank you so much for sharing. I sent this to my sister, who has had her fair share of not-so-compatible moms at the park.

    Including (not kidding) a stalker mom. She left a mystery pack of halloween decorations on my sister's porch one time and confessed to it 6 months later. When asked how she got her address, she said she used one of those people finder things online (you know...the kind you pay for).

  11. I'm definitely one of the slacker moms.

  12. OHMYgosh!!!!
    how lame is that blonde woman???
    Hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

  13. haha...i am with cheryl...smiles.

  14. I wonder if there were any parenting "rules" I DIDN'T break.

    Too damned funny!

  15. I was listening for the swear. I missed it. Or maybe I'm too jaded to recognize a swear when I hear it? Not sure. But this was funny and none of the expected violence in the end. Good one!

  16. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, soooo funny!! And seriously, where the hell would we all be without disposable diapers & goldfish crackers???!! Thank you so much my dear, for endeavouring to brighten my worked!!

    Now let's all hunt down that blonde & kick her ass...just for funsies....

  17. I watched it twice! I wanted to hit that blonde girl on the head!

  18. This literally had me in tears I was laughing so hard. Most of these comments are hilarious too! I just found this blog today and I LOVE (read: so incredibly relieved) that I'm not the only NORMAL mom out there!

  19. I totally know that Mommy!!!

    And also? I made a very similar video a year or so ago... with the same crude gesture!! And way more swearing.

  20. Love the robotic voices. I wish the brunette at the end had pulled out an AK-47 at the end, and made the blonde walk slowly away, while bowing and not making direct eye-contact.

  21. That is the best thing I have watched all day. Seriously!

    I think I used to go to church with that blond woman. *scary!

  22. This is awesome. My son did gymnastics for a bit, and they used to have time on Saturdays where the kids could just show up and play. Free form type of thing. Well, one little girl was tired so she crawled in the tunnels, laid out some of the foam blocks from the pit and began to nap. Her mom found her and said we are here to play. Get up and play. Wow! I felt so bad for that kid. The parents will be broke from the therapy before she graduates from high school!

  23. That was to funny. I think we all know someone like that blonde. Thanks for the laugh and for sharing that funny video:)

  24. Loved this video!! I'd write more, but I have to run... the baby just pooped, and I must go kill a baby seal now.

  25. Haha! My favorite line was "Oh, it's 9:55, time for my 1-yr-old to use the potty."

  26. I think a baby seal just died-hahahaha. I should have that made into a bumper sticker and put it on my car-I would save those women SO much time.
    My hubs always asks me why I'm not friends with moms at bratchild's school-he doesn't understand most of them are freaks who have nothing better to do than get in the carpool line an HOUR before school lets out JUST so they can be first in line.

  27. Maybe she could have fit in something about how a hospital birth is like a rape and if you had an epidural you obviously care about your own comfort more than your baby's health. Oops, let me just unflip my switch. Great video.

  28. Hee! Hysterical! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Too funny.

    The voices are common voices on speaking devices that non-verbal children/adults use. They've just sped them up so they're not quite as robotic sounding. I miss that. Scooter's latest speaking device doesn't have it's own voice. You have to program it with your voice. Sort of defeats the purpose for someone without a voice to have yours.

    Sorry for the tangent. Thanks for the laugh. :)

  30. I don't know where my comment went....

    Maybe the blonde one ate it? (-:

  31. Oh dear! That not only is hilarious, but from what I remember, spot on true. Oh the sadness of it! After I stop laughing that is. LOLing!

  32. Too funny, I must help spread this. :) lol.

  33. BWAHAHAHA....I have missed you:)

    I hope that your having a blessed weekend!!


  34. that was awesome!

  35. OK. I know who that blonde is. And so do you. You are so mean.

    That's why I love you!

  36. OMG Unfortunately, I am like the blond woman with her co-sleeping, breastfeeding, non-vaccinating, etc. etc., but I don't judge other people and act like I have all the answers. Or at least I hope I don't. Despite the fact that I had a lot in common with her parenting techniques I wanted to beat her up. Esp. her comment about the goldfish crackers making her kids want to vomit. Hilarious video.

  37. Forgot to tell you... I'm having a free month of Netflix giveaway ending Tuesday. Swing by and comment for some a rollicking good time of brain cell killing/stimulation. Depending on if you think like the blonde woman or not.

  38. Oh my. How I needed that. The robotic voice was a nice touch.

  39. I have twins. And there's a HUGE difference between to the same exact age and two a year apart. The blonde is a real pain in the arse...I never want to be that mom!

  40. Crud, the sound driver is blown out on my laptop. . . off to find another coumputer so that I can hear this.

  41. It's stuff like this that makes it worth getting up in the morning. I thank you.

  42. If I were involved in that conversation with the blonde, every response I made would have started with "Holy shit!"

  43. Can I steal "Warning: There is a Swear" and use it as my new tagline?

  44. HAHAHA!!! How do I find that blonde? I want to tell her slacker moms, such as myself; turn out EXCELLENT (and somewhat normal) adults!

  45. I love that you gave us a swear warning. Also I miss you. That is all.

  46. hmmm, a warning before swearing. perhaps i ought to take that cue...
    very funny:)

  47. thank-you thank-you, thank-you! I'm going to share it everywhere

  48. Pretty sure I've hit that blonde lady before. At least in my dreams.

  49. You are quite right. This was HI-larious. And the funny thing is I know a mom or two like her.



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