Friday, October 15, 2010

Thank You, Vodka Mom

Thank you, VodkaMom, for this highly hilarious video from YDA, Young Director's Awards.

Worth your time (52 seconds), and hoping you don't have one of these at home....Happy Friday Funny!


  1. I brought daughter home today. She is better. Her husband takes good care of her. Re: my therapist. She is really good for me. She has prevented me from killing my husband and even helped me to understand him better. I am fortunate in that our insurance covers 30 visits per year, and we only have a $15 co-pay. I go every 2 or 3 weeks. Kisses!

  2. Oh my god.

    So funny.

    I am dying.

  3. OMG! that is Damien there...

  4. I think Ethan is thoroughly capable of this. MUST. NOT. LET. HIM. SEE. THIS. VIDEO.

    Thanks for sharing. Must go change pants now.

  5. Roflmbo... I would BEAT that child when I got out of jail... ok no not really but she would absolutely WISH I had beaten her by the time I got done..

  6. Is it a bad thing that I want to take a tazer to that kid?

  7. haha. saw it over at VMs but this one rocks enough for more than one view...

  8. That is hilarious!!! Long time no talk Empress :O) Hope you and Baby E have a FAB weekend!

  9. Hysterical! Gotta check out this VodkaMom. Her name is reason enough...have a feeling this chardonnaymom will get along famously with her...

  10. Oh my god, you think that's FUNNY? Okay, it's a little funny. Egh.

  11. Definetely a bad idea to show this to smart ass kids.

  12. Wish I would have read comments before playing it. My seven yr old is rubbing his hands and giggling in glee.

  13. That was brilliant. A kid after my own heart. :)

  14. And she grew up to be my first wife.

  15. Haha, hilarious! The comments you're getting are giving me a chuckle too. Alright, my son will not do that. He will die if Mommy ever went to jail. But it's brilliant. I have a thing for devious kids like that. Thanks for the Friday laugh - I needed that!!

    Have a great weekend, love.

  16. Alexandra---thank you SO MUCH for this laugh. I really needed it today...


  17. Ohhhh Emmmm Geeeee, that really DOES remind me of The Diva!! hahahahahaha!! Sooo funny...until it happens to ME!! Thnx so much for stickin' with me lady, you so rock! :-D

  18. I am afraid I do have one of those at home. Fortunately she's terrified of police throwing her in jail for some reason so she wouldn't pull THAT exact stunt. At least, I don't think she would..

  19. OMG, seriously!! My husband did that to his mom when he was 4!!! They were leaving the grocery store and he started yelling, "HELP!! I'm being kidnapped!!! Help!!!!"

  20. That is hilarious! She is super scary good at that!

  21. I don't have words for that...

  22. Okay. I'm going to say something really horrible. Are you reading for it? Because it's bad.

    When my husband and I had only been married for a couple months, I got really, really sick. He was working, and I had to call him home, but before that I had called my mom. I was crying from throwing up so much when she called back to make sure he was home. I told her yeah he was.

    And then my really horrible sense of humor got the best of me.

    I mean, I was already crying, right? This was the perfect time to say something horrible.

    "He likes to hit me when I'm down." Silence. "What." said/asked my mother.

    To which I spent the next 20 minutes still kind of crying but attempting to stop my FREAKING OUT MOTHER from coming over and killing my poor, sweet, teddy bear of a husband with her bare hands.

  23. That's hyfreakingsterical.

    Reminds me of playing Orphanage when we were kids. Gonna keep you guessing from there... think I'll have to share that story on the blog.

    (hehehe... that was mean eh? *sticks tongue out*)

  24. Oh, that was just what I needed!! What a hoot....and I just love the *sh*t the mom says! And the look on the little girls face.

    Man, I HOPE I don't have one that lives with me who is capable of that...

  25. You always make me laugh.

    Thank you.


  26. Oh my gosh, that is so stinking funny! Rotten little girl!

    The daughter of a good friend used to yell "help!" out the window during her nap time.

  27. This was awesome! I posted it on my FB pages cause I really love it. Also? I may have done something like that before.

    Yes, I'm the type of kid who told the last born sibbling "You aren't really our brother, we found you in a dumpster when you were a baby". Not cool!

  28. The face on that little girl! LOLOL!

    And I love how you can see what the officer is thinking, 'I could pretend I didn't see anything.'


  29. Oh that is good. Thanks for the laugh.

  30. That is a riot! And yes, yes I do have a few of those at home. Once on a trip, they held up a sign at a pig transport truck that said, Free The Piggies.

  31. This trick would have me in jail for sure. My daughter looks just like her Dad. On that, I love when people look at her and say how cute she is, then look at me and say, "She looks nothing like you." Nice. Real nice.

  32. I want to smack that little girl to Kingdom Come. Drama? She likes drama? I'll give 'er some drama.

    You don't think I take these videos too seriously, do you?

  33. Oh man did that scare me! Why do I think my daughter would do that in a heartbeat!

    Come on over and check out my blog.

    I love your coffee gal she is hilariously wired! Hmmm, reminds me of me!


  34. So great! I tried that when I was a kid and it totally backfired. I was in so much trouble!

  35. Funny...but absolutely awful. Yikes.



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