Saturday, January 1, 2011

Peace, Love, Health, Happiness and Thank You!

My best wishes to all of you, who have become part of my daily life.

I wish you a year of happiness, kindness, a few good surprises along the way, a new adventure or two (because something different is always fun),  and going beyond your comfort zone at least once. Let's push it even further and wish for one thing off your bucket list, too. Oh, and health! Yes, health.

I also wish you friendships, with people who will be there for the ups and downs that are part of life.

As you all have been for me.

I love you all, and I thank you for the love, support, and kind extension of your hand in friendship to me.

You've given me a magical 2010...and I can't thank you enough. Just know my words of gratitude and appreciation for you are sincere.

Happy New Year, my wonderful friends. You've blessed me with "a good year, a glad year, a year of happiness. Filled with kindly friendship, shining with success."

Always, xo


  1. May your kingdom prosper! So glad I met you!!

  2. Thank you for being so wonderful in every way; I so appreciate all of your support and kind words- looking forward to a wonderful New Year!

    Happy New Year! :)

  3. For an Empress, you've ‘gave out as much as you got.’ Your flock wouldn't reward you with all the good stuff if you didn't send even more out. So thanks for being a good Empress.

  4. I hope you have an amazing New year!

  5. Happiest New Year and may The Force be with you.

  6. Right back at you Ms. Empress of all Empressiveness! I had a coffee for you this morning... but first I took my acid reducer pill. Wishing you many blessings, beyond your wildest dreams.

  7. Happy New Year Alexandra! Wishing you and your family a wonderful, peaceful, and blessed New Year:)

    So wonderful to get to know you too and I'm so thankful for your friendship as well :)

  8. What a lovely New Year's post. It is reflective of your big heart and huge generosity of spirit.

    Happy New Year to you, too, my dear.

  9. Awwwwww, Empress. You are making me blush. You are such an inspiration to so many. Your kindness and your love have stretched so far. Thank you for all you do to bring joy to the hearts of so many. I love you dearly, sweet Alexandra. xoxoxoxoo Happy New Year!

  10. A very Happy New Year to you, Alexandra! The first thing I read this New Year's morning, and you've set the tone for my year now...

    Thank you for being so wonderful and for inviting us over here to your kingdom. It's a lovely place to hang out.

  11. I've been catching bits and pieces of "Ghost" all week, so I'll just quote Patrick Swayze and say "Ditto."

  12. Thank you, Empress... May the coming year be even more magical for you and your family! Happy New Year!

  13. Thanks and Happy New Year!! I was happy to meet you through blogging last year :)

  14. This is really sweet. What a great post to start off the new year. Makes me wish I had been a little nicer in my New Year Post. Darn.

    Happy New Year to you and your kingdom!

  15. You know we are all about outside the comfort zone and moving out of state this year is definately something we have on our bucket lists. Love and happiness to you dear lady!! from the Butlers, Happy 2011!!

  16. Sweet post from a sweet person.

    Hope your New Year is a wonderful one!

  17. Happy 2011 to you- I can only add "more time for blogging!" to that wish list!

  18. Happy New Year!

    I hope 2011 brings nothing but good things.

  19. Aww, happy new year to you too, Alexandra! I sincerely hope that you have lots and lots of happy adventures this year. Adventures are fun.

    Also, I noticed that you're featuring "After the Bubbly" for you blog og the moment. Love that woman, and did you know she hails from my neck of the woods? ; )

  20. here, let me give you a better link...

    this should work! : )

  21. so true. I want nothing but health for everyone.
    And an iPhone.

    :) Happy new year!

  22. "Push it a bit further" is a good resolution for me! Thanks for that and your unfailing support in 2010.

    Happy New Year!

  23. Spoken like a true Empress. Couldn't have said it better myself. You are too kind and I am thankful to have met you in 2010. Happy New Year!

  24. Your kindness and talent burst upon the blogosphere in 2010 and it will never be the same. You are the best, Empress, and I wish you tons of blessings in '11. Thanks for being a faithful friend and can't wait to be roomies with you at some conference :-)

  25. Happidy Dappiday New Year to you as well... I have laughed so hard at Baby E posts and I have enjoyed your writings so so much... It has been a significant year- a year full of friends... We are never alone.


  26. Happy New year to you and your family!

    I can't wait to enjoy a continued blog post throughout the year right here at your castle.

  27. we all love you, too. and i'm confident in saying you are the most loved woman on the internet!

  28. I love it, next time if you phrase it all in the form of a royal decree we will have no choice but to comply!

  29. You are amazing with your words, Alexandra - so eloquent and heartfelt to the core. I started blogging in 2010 and you helped make the whole experience so much more than I could have hoped. Thank you for your friendship and I wish you all the same in return! Am looking forward to getting to know you even better in 2011!!


  30. Happy New Year to you my lovely Empress.

    My kids are all grown so not many of the mommy-bloggers interest me (it's all about me don't you know), but your blog is of a different ilk. Love you and your blog and your kids. I'll be reading and laughing.

  31. So happy to have found your site this year. Best wishes for a wonderful 2011!

  32. A very Happy New Year to your & your family:) It's been great getting to know you over the last few months. xoxo



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