Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Gonna Kill Him

We have a lot going on in our house this week. We had a lot going on in our house last week, too.

I oversighted and undercelebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.

I am determined to bring this part of my life: my marriage, to a Grand Opening Find Out All About It Here This Week type status.

Last week, I ran our engagement story.

Today, we shall spill the tale of The Honeymoon.

But, ours was not made of honey. Why would it have been? The engagement was a tip off, wasn't it?

I almost killed my husband on our honeymoon.

Erin, of I'm Gonna Kill Him, generously offered her space as the site to spread my cautionary tale.

And this couldn't feel more appropriate.

Aside from her obvious slick site that features an ANIMATED HEADER (which is truly a thing of beauty--or envy), and her polished, perfectly chosen words for each post, she is FUNNNNEEEEE.

Erin is brilliantly comedic, obviously in love with her family, and blows off steam with how our favorite people on the planet, can make us go crazy.

Her About Page explains the purpose of her blog: to cover the ugly, the ridiculous, the insane, that can sometimes rear its head in our lives. If we don't laugh about it, we just might take it seriously.  If you can still laugh, then it's all good.

Please join me, at Erin's I'm Gonna Kill Him, and find out how I almost had to kill my husband, to save my own life. I couldn't make these things up.

So good to see you all again!


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