Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Never Told This Story Before

A story I've never told is online today.

I have a wonderful, funny, kind, intelligent, supportive bloggy friend whom I just adore--and she is celebrating her Second Blogoversary this entire month.

Deb, of Truthful Mommy fame, is the woman I'm speaking of.

Two years of blogging is an accomplishment to celebrate. Think of the hours, no...don't. You'll close up your laptop and pull away from the computer and never go back.

So, back to Deb: I am pleased and so very honored that she has asked me to contribute to her website this month in celebration of her accomplishments online.

She has asked for a post about the truths of motherhood.

The Real Deal.

No Downy Fabric Sheets commercial spots, but the realness of it all.

I promised her I would.

Today, with my post at Deb's TruthfulMommy, I am talking for the first time online, about my Post Partum Depression.

Yes, I have the PPD button up on my sidebar, but I have never written of my story here, on my site.

This period in my life, at the same time, a very long ago, but also still feeling as fresh as yesterday, was HUGE in making me who I am today.

I am someone with a heart for anyone with PPD. I will never close my door to anyone who cries out on twitter, or in an email, or in a post: "Help. I'm barely hanging on today."

Because, I remember; when you are barely hanging on by your fingernails, how do you ever forget?

I hope you stop over, read my story, then keep your eyes, ears, heart open for anyone who your gut tells you is just barely making it.

I love you all.


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