Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Because of You. No, Really.

This past May, I was humbled and blessed by an amazing opportunity to read before more than 350 people as part of the Listen To Your Mother Show in Madison, Wisconsin, created and directed by Ann Imig.

I had never read before an audience before. EV-ER.

But I wasn't nervous, or scared, or quivering.

I was calm, excited, thrilled, eager.

Because of all of you: your acceptance and support for me, for this blog, have transformed me into a woman who has grown wings, and learned how to fly.

You all did this for me, and I take nothing for granted: not your loyalty, your kindness, your visits.

I know I'm lucky, not one night goes by that I don't end my day by closing my eyes and whispering a prayer of thanks for the way I've been welcomed and loved in this community.

I can't think of you, and not thank you, without my eyes brimming with tears.

Thank you, for your love, and encouragement: the people that come here are the best on the planet.

Thank you!

*After viewing my piece here, "The Reach of a Small Moment," try to squeeze in a few more minutes and see the other incredible pieces read that day by equally incredible women.

How I love you all.



  1. I hope to grow my own wings soon.

  2. Beautiful. You get what you deserve, which is nothing less than beauty and love.

  3. Even more beautiful with you reading it! Brought tears to my eyes.

  4. I watched it again, and teared up - again!

    You deserve all the success, love and support. Truly. xoxo

  5. Your words are beautiful, as is your heart, as are you.

    The blogging community is a much better place because of your presence.

  6. What a beautiful speech! It was a tough one to watch while menstrual though...off to find some chocolate! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Developing wings is a true blessing. I think you give your readers the inspiration to fly.

  8. woohoo! you did such a great job empress! glad to have found you in this journey.

  9. Oh it is so good to "see" you. You are such an inpiration, love you Ms. Empress!!

  10. Oh, Alexandra. So beautiful. And you look as good as your words.

    I love your pieces about your abuela.

  11. I started crying the moment you started reading and I realized which one of your posts it was.

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  12. Alexandra,

    This is beautiful! Amazing. Love your words. What a special abuela!

    I agree with Tracie. The blogging community is so much better with you in it. It's because of you and your support, that I have been inspired to fly in a blogging community that at first - and still does at times - intimidates me.

    Huge love to you!

  13. You are simply amazing, loved being able to see you in person :) I hope to grow wings one day like you and find my way!

  14. Beautiful. Everything about this was beautiful. And you my darling, darling friend are as beautiful as those constant rivers or prose that flow from you so easily.

    Thank God for those who loved us, for those who offset the bad.

    Your Abuela? She knows. She knows and she's smiling down from the heavens at what a beautiful mother you turned out to be.

  15. You did great! It's wonderful that you weren't nervous for your first time reading in front of a crowd.

  16. Is that you? It's so nice to see you! You did a wonderful job reading - loved it.

  17. I loved this piece when I read it, but listening to you read it gave me goosebumps. It's perfect!

  18. This is what I love about blogging and performing--people finding their voice.


  19. Thank you, all, for stopping by.

    I can't even tell you the joy I felt this day.

    I wish everyone would have a chance to read something about who they are, and what has made them.

    It was such a gift.

    Without all the encouragement and love from everyone that visits here, I never would have had the confidence.

    You did this for me.

    Thank you!

  20. This is fabulous, it really is. Things don't happen by magic, but you? You make magic happen.

  21. Applauding here! Wonderful. Just wonderful.

  22. Hooray for you! Beautiful you! We love you, too.

  23. So beautiful! I voted! Good luck!!

    Also, if you have a second, come look at my blog!

  24. This whole blogging thing can be pretty crazy, can't it?

    You deserve every minute of the praise you get.

  25. Oh! So glad you posted this! Can't wait to check it out later when I'm not in a crowded coffee shop. (because we HATE those people who watch things w/out headphones!)

  26. I remember this post. Still love it SO MUCH.

    You are an inspiration to me. To all of us.

    And it's such a treat to see/hear/watch you. I only wish I could have been there in person.


  27. Alexandra, I so loved watching you on video and hearing your voice again!

    The essay is beautiful and I know Abuela loved it!

    Un beso y un abrazo!

  28. So beautiful. Moving. Powerful. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

  29. This is really beautiful. I just had to stop by and see it for myself. Congrats, you did a wonderful job!

  30. Hearing you read this was so much more powerful than when I read it at Tiki. My heart broke a little for that 4 year old inside and swelled with joy for the woman who stood so calmly at the podium and shared how she gives little moments to her children.

    Brava, Ms. Alexandra.

  31. You are brilliant.

    PS Also very, very sexy.

  32. Wow! You are just spectacular and eloquent and amazing.
    Yes, I am opening crying , what of it??? *sniff* xoxo

  33. I can't wait to see you and hear you talk!!! I have to wait til there is no loud classical music playing with my husband trying to focus on taxes.

  34. Awww.. and my goodness.

    You all here today? Worth every minute of sleep I've done without, because of blogging.


    Thank you doesn't even come close to showing my gratefulness.

  35. You look totally calm and at peace reading this story, and it's because the story is so much a part of you.

    So proud of you!

    p.s. you look like a major hottie.

  36. Oh, this is just amazing....to hear you read this, makes it come alive even more.

    And you are awesome in front of a crowd, babe...and such a hottie!

    I've been waiting for this!

  37. First, you look amazing - I just have to say.

    Second, I can't believe how slowly and calmly you read this. I always struggle with going to fast and controlling tears (during an emotional piece). BRAVO! Look at you!

  38. Your abuela is smiling at you from heaven.

    Not only because of what you said and how you said it, but because you rocked the little black dress too...

  39. Wow. Just wow. That was 100% amazing. Thank you so much for posting this video. It was so incredible to see you "in person." I felt like I was really THERE!!!!!!! Love you!

  40. I just love that piece. It's so powerful. I got to hear your voice! You are real!

    Hope to hear it again at BlogHer. You are going, right?

  41. Such a beautiful piece, my beautiful friend.

    And you read it so lyrically.

    And also, you sound EXACTLY like what I thought you would.

    Plus, great stems!

  42. I'm crying tears of joy for you my friend. You are beautiful inside and out. You know I felt immediately connected to you through this story.
    You are amazing.

  43. Alexandra,

    It's amazing to me how your grace, honesty and unconditional kindness come through in your voice as much as they do through your words. It's been said a lot in these comments, but bears repeating - you are a wonderful person and you inspire people with your talent and warmth. And now we can add total hottie to the list :-)

  44. I loved seeing and hearing you read this lovely post. I know your Abuela was smiling down at you during the reading.

    PS You looked gorgeous!

  45. You are so lovely and amazing. Brava!!!

  46. Hello, Your Hotness. :)

    Loved this. So fun to see you "live."

    Does it sound weird for me to say that I'm proud of you?

    Proud to know you is more like it.

    Yes. You have done me proud. *hugs*

  47. This was wonderful. You should be proud.

  48. I just love love love seeing you and hearing you! I loved the post following the video too. You truly are an amazing woman and deserve absolutely all the success you are achieving. Congratulations and much more success coming your way, I know it!

  49. Wooooooo!!!!!! You go girl!!!!! Congratulations!

  50. I finally got to listen to it and I cried and cried. So beautiful.

  51. I'd have been too nervous to even speak.

    Loved this, and something that doesn't happen to me very often in blogland?

    I got all teared up.

  52. I am so impressed and awed. Congratulations!

  53. Soooo lovely. And I loved your post over at Sluiter Nation.

  54. Can you believe all the incredible people that stopped here??

    I can't.

    Someone pinch me.


  55. This post (wasn't it at Nichole's?) was one of the very first I read when I started blogging and Twitter.

    I was just clicking on links and flailing around.

    I was terrified.

    And then I read "The Reach of a Small Moment." It was so lovely and perfect; I didn't know how I could possibly find a place in the writing world.

    Now, hearing you give voice to these perfect words, is inspiring.
    It gives the rest of us wings.

    You are incredibly generous in every way.

    So thank you.

    For the gift of yourself.


  56. Great seeing you live first, and second that was beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes :o)

  57. Oh friend. This was lovely.

    No. It was perfection.

    My favorite part was listening to you speak in Spanish. Really.

    I suddenly felt an even stronger connection to you than I did before.

    Happy sighs...

  58. Oh, Alexandra... that was just so beautiful. The moment your grandmother gave you back in 1965 was meant for you to share with a wider audience... I really believe that to be true. It's amazing that through heartbreak and sorrow wonderful words and realizations were born.

    So proud of you, beautiful momma :)

  59. So, you are the kindest woman on the internet, a talented writer, a brave and nurturing soul... and a stone cold fox to boot.

    This piece was beautiful when I read it months ago, and it brought me to you. To hear you, to see you read it?

    What a privilege.

  60. I am so very late to the party, but I know you forgive me because I am out there making those moments happen for that baby girl of mine.

    This was such a treat Alexandra. I savored every word. Keep doing what you do.



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