Saturday, November 24, 2012

LIM: aka SOC For The Rest of Us

I think I'm going to have to have a button made up for LIM Friday Edition here. A party of one: me. That's one of a thousand reasons I love having a blog: you can always make a place for yourself where you'll fit in.

Last week I ran a post, LIM: Loose Inner Monologue: my version of the SOCs, the stream of consciousness memes that run on the internet. I never felt my thoughts were heady or introspective enough to be linked along with everyone else's, but I enjoyed the thought of  just typing away, no red light stopping you.

That's the premise behind my LIM. Tapping it out, as it comes, no worries about paling in comparison to the post above or the one below.

My Loose Inner Monologue here, for me, because it's like the last train to Clarksville, thoughts. Grab a hold as it leaves the station.

LIM Brain Dump of The Week: (because other than drilling a hole in your skull, how are you gonna declutter?) 

How do people get money to buy stuff? I'd love a treadmill, a new dishwasher, a cage hatch over the chimney to keep that dang 50 lb possum or raccoon or whatever it is that drags in and something else along with it, into our chimney every night. It's like bang drag bang drag. A mini Dr Frankencoon and his assistant there, every night, 11 pm on the dot. I'm calling somebody. 

That hoot owl at 3 a.m. is only majestic for so long, too. I know what's his face, that blonde singer from the 70's, Michael Murphy sang about the hoot owl outside his window like a love song, but not me. It's like spending the night at a zoo--it's winter, I know they're all looking for shelter, I know. But can't they go back to the woods?

I love having teens. Watching Movie Classics with them is funnier than Jerry Seinfeld on Dave Letterman. I could run a depression service: rent my teens out to watch movies with you. As good as Mystery Science Theater. I'd go along, of course--don't want to start getting emails telling me I can't rent out kids. Have people lost their sense of kidding lately? 

Or is it true, what my teens tell me. "Mom, I know you think you're funny, but your ideas just scare and worry people."

I wonder if what people say, that the music you heard in your teens will be your favorite music forever, goes for clothes, too. It might be true for music, because when Stevie Nicks comes on the radio, I don't change the station. And when I pick out clothes for my kids, I go to the earth tones, the soft beiges and greys and taupes. They call it Mom's District 12 taste, I call it in memory of The Doobie Brothers.

Why do I have to eat something just because it's good and in front of me. I don't have to. I can walk past it. I just have to try to not give in, and feel success, just once.

Or just eat it all at once, too, so it doesn't tempt me anymore. Why doesn't anyone ever get full on pie? 

Have a mind that's more choppy than streamy? I invite you to write up your own Loose Inner Monologue post. Leave your link here. Admit it--just the mention of a brain dump and your thoughts are all jamming the aisle, like the last chopper out of Vietnam.

"One at a time, thoughts, one at a time ..."  


  1. haha i bet it is fun to watch movies with them...i would kinda be partial to an owl...they are so cool...though at 3 am i imagine considerably is thanksgiving you should eat whatever you want...and then feel bad about it for 11 more, what is that?

    1. What IS money.

      I'm with you, B.

      Hope you had a wonderful Tday full of alllll the good things.


  2. I'm enjoying your brain dump and look forward to more. I would love to dump all my brain waste, but the problem is... it's so clogged up, it won't move.

    1. Thank you, Ms. A.

      I had to start something for myself, b/c the SOCs I read were pretty impressive, and I'm just a brain dump. Make way for the fresh crazy of the week.

      Happy holidays, what a joy it's been to get to know you.


  3. I knew you loved Stevie Nicks. I freakin' knew it. We could totally rock a Fleetwood Mac concert together. And "The Chain" will keep us together.

    I want to do this with you.

    Be looser.

    1. "I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain...

      break the chain.

      doodoodo doodoodo.

      thump thump"


  4. What a great idea. Your teens sound fabulous.

    1. Thank you.

      My 3 boys are the funniest people on the planet, they make me laugh out loud, several times a day.

  5. hahahahahha. district 12 style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The boys also called it "We're not communists, Mom" and "What is that? Depression dressing?" And "Prisoner clothes."

  6. I truly LOVE this idea, I love the SPILL, the DUMP and lately I've NEEDED it so much more. To just get the STUFF out. What a grand idea.

    of course, I should have known you would have this lightbulb moment..I expect nothing less of AMAZING you. ;)


    1. Thank you, Kir. So happy you get what I'm saying. SOC are so pretty, so together, and mine sound like someone in clogs trying to Irish Dance.

      xo Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! Hugs to you and your beautiful boys.

  7. Did you know that while I was busy trying to not sleep I had a million thoughts in my noggin...ok, it was more like 3 but they made me laugh...not in a crazy way...promise. I should have wrote them down.

  8. I like having teens, too.

    I think the hoot owl in that song signified something more ominous - that he was going to die.

  9. Here's a LIM comment, but every time I hear the song soul sistah (which is not often enough) I think of Baby E.

  10. (Sorry, Alexandra, for the test message! But it's working, yea!)

    You make me laugh, Alexandra, and this post makes me wish so much that we could hang together...with your teenage sons, of course, on the sofa, watching movies and listening to Stevie Nicks (my first record, btw...every time Leather and Lace comes on the radio I keep it there too, and feel compelled each and every time to announce in the car that it was my first LP) :-)

  11. This was a fun brain dump that reminds me of the many reasons I love you. 1) I also love Stevie Nicks and would never dream of changing the channel 2) I would love to hear the sounds of owls and all the furry friends you have in your neighborhood. Alexandra, wildlife here consists of rabid squirrels! NOT THE SAME!!! 3) If you ever figure out how to walk by food and not eat it, please share your secret with me. I'm about to pass the vending machine at work and there is a bag of cheez-its in there calling to me.



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