Yes, it has become necessary to compile the top
13 Things You Should
Never Say to a Woman Who is a Mother of Only Sons Who Have Curly Hair list,
because this list is just as important as all the other
*Things To Not
Say To* lists on every website and magazine out there.
In my daily life as a woman who is a mother to only sons who have curly hair, it has become obvious to me over the years that there are some things that are said to me, that should never be said to me and to those like me, and we're becoming deeply offended. Can't people control their curiosity, or do they just not think?
Being a mother of only boys, who only have curly hair, there are those that think it must bother me to have no daughter, and that having only sons is some kind of universe's funny joke. You know, only boys? Don't all women want at least one daughter? And to not
just have boys, but boys with curly hair, as if that is a hint tossed my way as to adorable my children would have been, had they been female?
It's my turn for the lists now. The I must miss having no girls and how abnormal is it that you don't pine for a daughter, along with being reminded by others that to have boys with curly hair would not be as pretty as girls with curly hair list. I knew that today, the time had come to set the record straight and call a few of you out.
So, steer clear of the following things
You Should Never Say to a Woman Who is a Mother of Only Sons Who Have Curly Hair:
1. "Wow, with that hair, kinda sad they're not girls, huh?"
2. "I'd kill for their hair, any woman would."
3. "No daughters? I don't think I could be happy without a daughter."
4. "It's so sad you have no daughters, your sons have your curly hair, but they're not a mini-you."
5. "Too bad that pretty curly hair is wasted on boys."
6. "This humid weather would make their curly hair look awesome, if they were girls, but being boys, they just look like Seth Rogen."
7. "At least you don't have to worry about boys when that hair frizzes up, that's for sure -- they don't care what they look like."
8. "If they were girls, you could put bobby pins in it, or hairspray it down, something -- anything! when it gets hot and sticky like today."
9. "Best they always wear it short, you know, nice and tight to the head when it starts to curl up around the forehead like that."
10. "Someone screwed up when they handed out the kids! No girls for you, but here, take curly hair instead! Ha!"
11. "Wow. Their hair really curls up after sports, doesn't it? Like a little half afro thingy."
12. "It's kind of like you almost have a girl, I mean, you know, with that curly hair?"
13. "Only boys? Oh, well, at least when they were little you could pretend they were the daughter you never had, with those ringlets."
You may wonder,
Well, what CAN I say to a woman who is a mother of only sons who have curly hair? This works, "Your children are so beautiful."
Totally acceptable. Even if the jealousy whispers in your ear to say otherwise.
Oh. My. Gosh. The curls. |
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