Saturday, June 20, 2015


Since I began blogging over five years ago, BlogHer has been a part of my online life. They are committed to publishing all of our stories, not just the pretty in life--though those are needed, too--of what life is like for many who are different from you or me.

This month, BlogHer is covering intersectionality. If you've heard this term and aren't sure what it means, I am honored to have a post featured on BlogHer today about intersectionality and the role it has played not just in my life, but for others, too.

I would love for you to read it and share it. My hope is that it sparks discussion, and honest introspection.

Thank you.

*Thank you, BlogHer, for your commitment to community and to community for all of us.

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  1. Heartbreaking and thought provoking piece. No one should be treated like that.

  2. Means a lot to me that you read, DM. Thank you.



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