Monday, April 4, 2016

The Wisconsin Primary

My children tease me, they call me "Facebook SJW"- Facebook Social Justice Warrior.

I accept this title.

I have decided that though the majority of the people I know are like-hearted in what our social obligations to each other are in this world, I have to keep talking. We have a current political and social climate in America that won't let me not do everything I can to bring perspective to the ones who may not be aware of many things. I'm talking about the attitude toward immigrants, especially with Latinos in America.

The picture here is of me with my family celebrating the day we became United States Citizens. My mother's employer had taken us to lunch in the executive dining room of the bank where my mother worked as a document translator. This was one of three jobs she held. Her days were spent at the bank, and after 4 PM, she walked to the department store five blocks away where she worked until 9 PM. On Friday nights, she started her weekend shift at the nursing home, and then on Sunday afternoon, she would enjoy her only time off for the week. "Enjoy," as in do the grocery shopping, go through mail, catch up with your family until everything began its cycle again Monday morning.

My mother's boss' name was Dario Lopez, and he had come from Cuba. I will always remember his generosity to us. Mr. Lopez knew about the road to United States Citizenship. It's not an easy one. The process for those unfamiliar with it, would leave you bug-eyed.

It took my mother 10 years to be granted the status of United States citizen, and in that time, nothing was guaranteed. This past weekend, in front of me, someone used the term "anchor baby". An unacceptable way to describe half of my mother's six children. The family you see here is the fruit of a marriage.

US Citizenship is a dream to immigrant families. Immigrants stand as the face of what was America's birth: a place for those seeking a home and who come hoping for opportunity, acceptance, and compassion.

Tomorrow, April 5, is our Wisconsin Primary. Our votes have never mattered so much with what is at stake: I ask everyone to VOTE: but not to cast your ballot with fear, hatred, and ignorance of those who are new to our country. 

We are immigrants, and we ask for the same chance as your family who arrived here once received. 

* * *


  1. Keep talking.
    Keep advocating.
    Keep fighting.
    What an honor to be called "Facebook SJW!"
    PS. recently, somebody said to me, "I'm not here to change the world." I said, "I Am!" xx from MN

  2. <3 <3 <3

    Thank you for sharing this, Alexandra. This story, this photo, this memory, this personalized account of what the immigrant experience is really like to millions of Americans It sickens me to think of what is happening in our world and the fact that things could turn very dark, so quickly. I hope (and pray) that good prevails.


    1. We have to keep talking, Charlotte. I don't want the world to be the way it is.



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